A Perfect Marriage of Concepts
This game is what amounts to a perfect marriage between the two concepts involved. By joining the impending doom and pacing of Tetris to the mathematical and strategy-based gameplay of 2048, this game has created what has fast become a favorite go-to in my collection. It rewards creativity and involved gameplay - while you can follow a certain simple rulebook to help your score grow, it behooves you to think outside the box, and to actively involve yourself in planning where each piece should go.
Once youve gained a mastery of understanding how the pieces fall and combine, an entirely new aspect of the game opens itself up to determine where the best place for a piece to go is, and how you can manipulate the pieces to combine them for higher and higher tiles.
All in all, this game is excellent, and I very highly recommend it to anyone who was a fan of 2048, but found the gameplay to wear itself out too quickly (after all, the winningest strategy for traditional 2048 is fairly easy to ascertain, while this version requires a bit more thought and focus). Its simple in mechanics, but the metagame is rich and complex. Would go higher than five stars, if I could.
Emankcin Eraerc about
Russia Style Puzzle Game Classic Version